Friday, December 19, 2008

The top 12 books on Innovation and Design by Business Week

Here it is ... Finally , we have the list of top 12 books on Innovation and Design for 2008.

Business Week has a great list here, but has missed out on 2-3 books which could have made it to the list.

Read it here Best Innovation & Design Books of 2008

I have read three of the books in the list

The Game Changer
by Ram Charan and A.G Lafley

The Age of Innovation by C.K Prahalad and M.S Krishnan

The Back of the Napkin by Don Roam

Want to read :

Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff

Book that should have made to the list :

The New rules of Marketing and PR by David Scott

Tribes by Seth Godin

Share your thoughts and your list... would love to have opinions here

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